The Frankie Jones FIVE

To kick off the first in the series of the The Frankie Jones FIVE, we though we'd take you behind the curtain, and get our staff member Anthea to answer 5 questions of our choosing...

The idea behind The Frankie Jones FIVE is for us - and YOU - to get to know our tribe a little better (and give us some kind of legit reason to stalk our Instacrushes because #creeps).

1/ Who are you and what do you do?

I'm Anthea and at FJL I am the Sales & Customer Relations Manager and Cath's Assistant. 
This means I can be doing anything from packing orders, to figuring out exchange rates for our overseas retailers, sourcing locations for shoots and answering emails. Everyday is different and that's why I love it! (I also don't mind that I get to cuddle baby Isla in the office.)
Outside of FJL I am a mumma to one little firecracker and a crochet nut/nerd. I also teach professional development and craft classes to Melbourne's creative masses.

2/ What does "Sustainable Fashion" mean to you?

It means making considered choices when I spend and being pro-active in knowing about the labels I choose to support.
It's important to me that I know the workers are paid fairly, the environment is being looked after in production, that the company "gives back" in some way and that the pieces that I buy are going to LAST.
I am also a huge fan of small business and handmade, so these ideals often go hand-in-hand.

3/ How would you describe your style?

Vintage with a twist! I love fashion from the 40s to the 70s and I like to mix up my outfits with inspiration from these decades.
I'm only 5 feet tall so I also love me a sky-high heel! Over the years I've learned that a cinched high waist and a good eyebrow can usually hide all sins.

4/ Who are your fashion idols?

Vivienne Westwood, Grace Coddington, Gwen Stefani, Susie Bick - I could go on and on!
I love these women because they aren't "conventional" when it comes to the industry but they run their own race and do it with such CONFIDENCE.

5/ Match-Matchy OR Clashy-Clashy

Matchy all the way! I am firm believer that you can never have too many stripes, leopard print, tartan and denim - just NOT ON THE SAME DAY.


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